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Return to Angkor Temple Guide Index Getting Started/What to Bring/Admission Map: Angkor Park Map: Angkor Thom History of Angkor Itineraries

West Prasat Top

Date of Construction:
Constructed: 9th-17th century C.E.
Religious Affiliation:
Theravada Buddhist
Patron or King:
Artistic/Archeo. Style:
Angkor Thom
Duration of Visit:
10 minutes
Time to Visit:
13d27'30N  103d51'48E

Small, ruined towers in a quiet area. Inscriptions indicate that the site was used as early as the 9th century, but the present structure is post Angkorian. The materials from the 10th and 11th were reused for the current structure which was probably assembled in the late 13th century. The few carvings that still exist are Buddhist some dating as late as the 17th century.

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