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Phnom Chhnork

Date of Construction:
7th century AD
Religious Affiliation:
Patron or King:
Artistic/Archeo. Style:
In a cave in Phnom Chhnork (mountain), Kampot province, located between Kampot town and Kep.
Duration of Visit:
30 minutes. More if you want to explore the cave.
Time to Visit:
Photography Notes:
Low light.

Pre-Angkorian ruin set about 50 meters deep in a limestone cave amongst stalagmites and stalactites that are slowly growing into the ruin. Small, 7th century AD (some sources report 4th-5th century AD) brick structure associated with the ancient state of Funan. The structure is in generally good condition with bit of carving is still visible. Linga stand with small linga on the interior.$1 entrance fee. Flashlights for rent for $1 more, though it is not really necessary to visit the ruin. If you plan to venture deeper into the cave a flashlight can be helpful.

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Phnom Penh , Cambodia.